Coley Name Meaning English (West Midlands): ‘dark’, ‘black’ (a derivative of col ‘ (char)coal’).
I want to introduce you to my family. Me (Langston), my dad (Quentin), my mom (Rasheeta) & my sisters (Mari & Iris). You might be wondering who does all of my music production & writing, well that is my mom (writing) & dad (production, marketing & distribution under Que Cole Productions)--they are a great team! My videos are recorded & edited by my mom! Maybe soon you will get to see me in a video with my older sister. She is a teenager, so you know how that is, but we will see. Iris as you know tries to take over @ Langston Land, so stay tuned for new episodes coming in February. Until then, keep signing up for our newsletter & we will continue to post short clips, so you can keep watching us grow. Speaking of Music here is my music video from summer, 2020. New song & video coming in 2021!
Love Langston